Saturday, March 13

Eevon, Happy Birthday!

I supposed to get this post done by yesterday. But I told myself not to sleep late again, so yea.
Von von, I guess you had a blast celebration yesterday, right? Great!
Sim EeVon is a very blur girl.
She always daydream, sometimes you talk to her she will like 'huh, say it again?'
She loves to play with tissues by tearing them into millions pieces. ( I often do that too :P )
She very ke-qi(chinese), every single minor things you did she will say Thank you wei, sorry nah mafan u
This reminds me of lui's words ' ke qi with us lah, we not close la?' lmao
(hey speaking of keqi-ness, Sookyee is thousand times worse than eevon)
A sentimental girl, she is.
She is a girl you feel like giving her protection, pamper her and you won't want to see her get bullied or hurt.
I dunno maybe her behaviors lead me to this thinking or she's one year younger? Ahha
If I were ask to continue writing about her, I think I have few pages long.
Want to know her more? She blogs at
(I think I can rmb many people blog url. crazy!)
The best jimuis ever, ever!
The intimate bonding between us.
Set-set Pengawas
I missed the time we were on prefect's duty, ronda together and talk like nobody's business...
Weekends, we always go shopping togeta-geta!
Sing k session, you'll hardly go missing.
We always sing at Kbox, ss2 and won't move our asses till it's closed.
remember? the first friend of ours get married! so happy.
and the next day, we went Redang Pelangi Island yuhoo!
Remember how stupid we hide and wenyee crawled on the balcony floor?
Together, all of us celebrated his 19th, what a successful surprise plan!
Last time, we used to travel by bus and all the way to KL.
Stayed lui's sis place, took cab and we used to report ourselves in the malls quite early. 
And now, we've grown up, we can drive so we have like 5 cars for malacca trip.
See the pitcha above, look at michie with her umbrella and kuih baulu. And I called her ahma and get scolded. Lols.
I remember both of us laughed at YOU because your face appeared as an alien at first.
Oh we oovoo-ed together!
Nice gossiping with you la,
cos you always the '38 queen' :P
And my pretty sexy babe, 
Happy 20th Birthday!
me loves you big big time >3
 my love for you will never end,babe!

signing off,

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."
- Anon


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